Library Lines ...

  • Displayer for the month of September 2023 at Rhoads Memorial Library is Liam Cosden, 11 years old who is exhibiting replicas of various types of military vehicles.
    Displayer for the month of September 2023 at Rhoads Memorial Library is Liam Cosden, 11 years old who is exhibiting replicas of various types of military vehicles.

Early September2023, marks the 50th anniversary of the completion of our building here at 103 S.W. Second Street in Dimmitt. Known as Rhoads Memorial Library, the 7,700 square foot facility was built for approximately $155,000 in 1973 on land purchased from First State Bank at a price of $25,000.

It was Labor Day weekend of 1973 when this new building received library holdings that were temporarily housed at 105 E. Bedford Street. Prior to that time, Castro County’s courthouse basement was the site of the county’s public library.

Earlier in the 1930s, several Castro County residents would set up a makeshift library in front of one of the local stores, supplying it with their own books to loan out to others. It was shortly thereafter when library organizers formed shelving out of wooden apple boxes and orange crates and placed them in the courthouse basement as a means to display books for checkout.

We are grateful to be housed in this carpeted, climatecontrolled facility (complete with electricity, running water, and indoor plumbing!) whose look belies its 50 years of existence. Kudos to residents of the last century who had the vision and drive to create such a comfortable, inviting space that fosters a love of reading, lifelong learning, and discovery to all people!

Displayer for the month of September here at Rhoads Memorial Library is Liam Cosden. The 11-year-old youngster is exhibiting replicas of various types of military vehicles.

Tuesday, Sept. 12, will feature the startup of classes teaching English as a second language. They will begin at 7 p.m. that day in our meeting room, under the direction of Gloria Hernandez. Plans are to continue the classes at 7 p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday. I mentioned in last week’s “Library Lines” column that Dimmitt Book Club’s first meeting of the club year is set for Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 2 p.m. in our meeting room. As always, the meeting is open and free to the public. Guest speaker Taylor Moore will be featured.

The Texas author’s penchant for adventure has seen him traverse the jungles of Bolivia, over the Andes, and across the raging Drake Passage on a Russian icebreaker to Antarctica. Drawing from those experiences and his CIA background has helped him create thriller novels and action- adventure stories, most of which are set in the Texas High Plains. We offer his books for checkout.

Until next week, Happy Reading!