He will restore your dreams


“Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negeb!” (Psalm 126:4) God’s people were distraught when Jerusalem fell in 597 B.C. and they were exiled to Babylon. Their hopes and dreams were dashed. Dads had great ambition for their sons and moms dreamt of the day their daughters would raise their own children in a free and bonnie land. Leaders dreamt of growing their communities.

Farmers imagined flourishing crops to feed the children while rabbis had visions of teaching their people the ways of Yehovah. But now, their dreams and ambitions were shattered. By the waters of Babylon, they sat down and wept when they remembered Zion.

Yet, the prophet Jeremiah had prophesied the word of the Lord, “I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place.”

The people of God had hope. Adonai had promised to restore their dreams. Out of the ashes of despair and seeming abandonment, their dreams would rise. God promised to return them to the land flowing with milk and honey. That promise was all they had to hold onto while they were in captivity. Seventy years later the Jews returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple of the Lord.

Hold on to your dreams. Never doubt the purposes of your God. His word endures forever. You may feel like you’re in exile today – dreams dashed, ambition washed over – but don’t let go of God’s word to fulfil his promise to you, to bring you back to the place of prosperity. Out of the ashes, your dreams will rise. Just keep your eyes on Jesus and your nose in God’s word.

Never give up, only look up and continue to acknowledge the Lord in all your ways. Trust God to bring you back to your Zion and restore your fortunes like streams in the desert.