Editor’s Message


Parents across the country are getting fed up with “woke” policies and indoctrination being shoved into the schools. Many are challenging school boards with books being pushed into the system that would have been considered pornography in the past.

Schools do not need to be “teaching sexuality” or discussing it with students while the core subjects are ignored. Enough is enough. Stop the madness.

Schools are in place to teach what some used to call the three Rs – reading, writing and arithmetic. What happened to the core principles? Students are suffering for an agenda that many schools are pushing – largely due to the political agendas coming out the state and the woke sector.

When confronted in some school board meetings, it is clear some concerned parents are being put off and swept under the rug like they should just keep their mouths shut and get out of the way of “awareness, diversity and inclusion.” The minute those words show up, you can bet something negative is going to impact the larger part of the student body who simply want to study and get to college or trade school.

And the idea that students should be discussing with teachers the sexuality issues and parents be left out of the circle is insane. That isn’t a teacher’s place – they aren’t supposed to be intimate friends with students, sharing sensitive personal matters.

The line is being crossed between indoctrination and actual teaching.

If schools and educational leaders don’t wake up, they will find parents pulling students from public schools and opting for something educationally appropriate.

It is time to put a halt to the nonsense and get kids ready for future careers.

The US needs to get its act together. Somewhere between the political arena and DOE – actual education is suffering.