Decide and Do!


Believer Tim Hansel, the founder of Mt. Summit Expedition, which teaches people in teams to help people in wheelchairs literally climb mountains and more, stated in his book, Holy Sweat: "It is by walking that we create the Path."

I have used this statement many times through the years to help inspire and guide me, along with Psalm 25:12: "Who is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose." (AMPC)

Every bold thing I've ever done that was led by God was, as the LORD showed me a couple years ago, "a little scary, but a lot exciting."

My mind couldn't figure out the details, but that's what faith is--trusting Daddy God to guide us, especially when we're as close to Him as we know how to be and trusting Him to get us out of whatever mess may be made, when we're just trying to do right, help others know Him, and bring Him glory.

He is faithful. Ask the disciples of old--and of now--how we know! Ask me how I know!

He is ever leading us to new adventures; stretching us to take steps where, even though we may have nothing we can touch or see, when we know He is speaking to our hearts, we jump! We leap! And He, faithful Father forever that He is, catches us!

Along the way, there may be some things we don't like and didn't plan, but He also gives us divine peace, comfort, and satisfaction.

Regret and condemnation come when we know the LORD is telling us (and sometimes, like with me, many times!) to do something, and we make excuses.

Ask the LORD to help you be "bold and very courageous" and give you wisdom to take the steps you know He is asking you to take today.

You will not regret it, and you will allow Him to work through you to change the world for Christ!