The Right Spiritual Covering


This is a crazy world, and it's not going to get any better! However, the spiritual Covering you are under makes all the difference in your life--for good or bad!

What is The Covering? It is the spiritual protection provided most of all by the Blood of the LORD Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross, over 2,000 years ago.

The Blood of the Lamb (Christ Jesus) is THE Main Covering--the only Covering that allows us, sinful man before we receive what He did for us on the cross--that allows us to be acceptable to and come near to God, who is holy.

Our good God's Plan from the beginning was Heaven on earth--the Garden of Eden. There was never supposed to be any curse! There was never supposed to be any bad! God is all good, and only good, and good is all He has to give!

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, He could have been done with them. Instead, in His amazing Love, He shed the blood of an animal (for mankind was given dominion over animals; animals are a much lower class than human beings, who are made in the image of God!) and covered them.

Covering--making things right, protecting, guiding, providing, restoring, freeing, delivering, healing, and more--has always been God's Plan, for us, His precious human beings.

The LORD has ordained that shepherds (pastors and other leaders) be put over groups of Believers (who have truly accepted Jesus' atoning death on the cross and made Him Savior and LORD of their lives) to be responsible for them to a large degree--to serve as godly examples to them; pray for them (especially when they aren't mature enough in the LORD to know what to pray); counsel them; disciple them in the Word and worship of God; and otherwise help them as the LORD leads.

That does not negate the personal responsibility of every Believer to cultivate a personal relationship with the LORD; to study the Word daily, pray (communicate with God the Father through Jesus); worship; repent (make corrections in life as the LORD reveals changes that need to be made); walk in purity and honor and forgiveness and love toward God and others; seek to represent the LORD well; help others to His glory; use gifts and talents and other resources to advance His Kingdom; and be thankful to the LORD for His daily mercies and kindnesses and other goodness. (Every good thing in our lives--including every breath!--is from Him!)

Of course, many churches have closed and not reopened. That is the enemy's work, for he seeks to divide and conquer and squelch. However, the LORD has provided many excellent sources of true Biblical teaching online--from sermons to worship to online Bibles (in multiple languages!)--so purposely seeking these is a very good way to stay strong in the Word and shut out the many deceptive voices of the world!

The earth is the LORD's and the fulness thereof, and all the peoples therein! (Psalm 24)! King Jesus is soon to return and will take the true Believers in Him back to Heaven with Him---to escape the much greater, much more terrible darkness that will come upon the earth.

He will not return, however, until every person has had the chance to hear that they can be born again by believing in His Name; receiving what His precious blood has done for them--set them free from the hellish penalty of their sins! It is His mercy that is making sure that every person has the chance to hear the Name of Jesus!

“Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and, in your heart, believe that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes and so is justified, and with the mouth he confesses and confirms [his] salvation. The Scripture says, No man who believes in Him will be put to shame or be disappointed for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek. The same Lord is Lord over all and He generously bestows His riches upon all who call upon Him in faith. For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:9-13, AMPC

I have experienced life without the proper Covering, and praise the LORD, with the right Covering! There is no comparison!

Part of what the right Covering does is to help you truly understand God's Word, and what you must do to live it; changes you must make; things you need to do (and God's Plans are wonderful, and that's where you'll be the most prosperous, influential, satisfied, and free! Jeremiah 29:11), and above all, how to love God and others to His glory.

Ask the LORD if your spiritual Covering is the right one, and to help you find the right one if you need to make a change. He is faithful. He will help you! Ask Him for Grace to make whatever changes you need to make, and you will be so glad you did!