Castro 4-H competes in District 2 Record Book

  • Castro 4-H competes in
    Castro 4-H competes in

Castro County 4-H Club had several members place high with their records book for 2022.

The District 2 record book judging was held in Lubbock on July 13.

According to Felice Acker, Castro County AgriLife Extension, it’s a 10-page story of all you have done the last year in 4-H showing your personality and photos. Then you tack charts on that show your work and educational experiences in projects, leadership, community service, non-4-H activities, awards, and college/career readiness covering up to the last four years. Most books total 18-28 pages. Then they are judged against other youth in your same main category.

“Can you imagine if you all had to account for a year’s worth of work in writing?”

Placing from Castro County were Steeley Moore, first place, junior division/horse; Brant White, second place, junior division/photography; Spencer Acker, first place, intermediate/S.T.E.M.; Oliver Meador, fifth place, intermediate division/shooting sports; Remington Meador, second place, intermediate division/natural resources; Gracie White, second place, intermediate division/vet science; Tell Bagley, third place, senior division/horse; and Harrison Meador, third place, senior division/shooting sports.

In 4-H, members have tracked their activities, events, profits and losses, skill development and learning experiences, and much more using the iconic 4-H Record Book.

In addition to record keeping, the 4-H Record Book gives members an opportunity to reflect on their year, measure their achievements and growth, set goals, and develop plans to meet those goals.