Ogallala Quilt Festival gearing up

  • Internationally known award-winning quilt artist Kathy McNeil is the featured teacher at the 64th Ogallala Quilt Festival on April 1-2.
    Internationally known award-winning quilt artist Kathy McNeil is the featured teacher at the 64th Ogallala Quilt Festival on April 1-2.

The 2022 Ogallala Quilt Festival is fast approaching and preparations for the big event are underway, with most deadlines already passed for entries.

The festival will be held on April 1-2, with some classes beginning March 31. Class registration is March 16, as well as reserving meal tickets for the awards dinner and Fantastic Friday Night Dinner.

This year, the festival theme is “Language of Quilts” and should prove to be as colorful and artistic as all previous events.

Show judge for the festival is Marcia Kaylakie from Austin, Texas. She has been making, collecting and appraising quilts since 1988 and is a Quilt and Quilted Textile Appraiser certified by the American Quilter’s Society. Her first book, “Texas Quilts and Quilters: A Lone Star Legacy,” won the Texas Writer’s League Violet Crown for nonfiction in 2008.

Kaylake has appeared in numerous books, magazine and newspaper articles and was the curator of the art quilt exhibit “Eye of the Needle” in the Quattro Gallery in Austin, among other exhibits.

The featured teacher at the festival will be Kathy McNeil, an internationally award-winning quilt artist, author, pattern designer, art quilt teacher and judge.

McNeil says, “Every creative act begins as a connection between the artist and their world. Exploration of that moments of inspiration fuels the process of telling a story and making art. Results are never predictable, as the discovery is different each time. A mastery of techniques and design will be noted and appreciated by others, but will the magic that that inspired the artist, reach out and touch someone else? When it does… something big is shared.”

McNeil will be holding classes throughout the festival beginning March 31. To register for these and other classes or the meals, contact Sherry Adkins at 806-632-2381 or e m a i l tsadkins1981@gmail.com.

Event locations include: -Dimmitt High School Activity Center – Registration, judged quilt show, OQS general meeting, demonstrations, silent auction and vendors.

-Special exhibits – Methodist Church and Senior Citizens Center. Featured quil

Event locations include: ter is Amy Armenta.

-Thursday night awards dinner (March 31) – DHS Cafetorium. Dinner and program, $18; program only, $10. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., there will be a Mix & Mingle at 6:30 p.m. Dinner begins at 7 p.m. Awards ceremony. Reservations required.

-Fantastic Friday Night Dinner (April 1, 7 p.m.) – DHS Cafetorium. Dinner and program, $18; program only, $10. Doors open at 6 p.m. Dinner begins at 7 p.m. Speaker Kathy McNeil. OQS Live Quilt Auction. Reservations required.

-Kathy McNeil classes – City Hall (March 31, April 1-2).

-Saturday Sampler Class – West Texas Coffee (April 2, 1:30 – 3 p.m.).

-Regional Teacher Classes/Lectures – Senior Citizens, Rhoads Memorial Library, Castro County AgriLife Building and City Hall. (must be registered to attend). Regional /lecturers include Jean Grimes, Elizabeth Lawrence, Nathalie Neill, Cinde Ebeling, Kathy Hassell, Cindy Whitaker, Tammy Tucker, Trecia Spencer, Gail Strickler, Becky Holly and Meredith Eaton.

As with every year, the OQF features festival awards including Best of Show, Junior Best of Show, first, second, third and honorable mention in each category, Cotton Boll Award, Fat Quarter and Silver Dollar Awards, Featured Teacher Award, Judge’s Choice Award, Ogallala Challenge Scarborough Fabrics Award and the People’s Choice Award.

In addition to the silent auction and OQF quilt raffle, vendors will be offering drawings for baskets, buckets and goodies. Tickets can be purchased at the DHS Activity Center during the festival.

The board of directors for the Ogallala Quilter’s Society are Trecia Spencer, president; Cinde Ebeling, vice president; Jean Grimes, treasurer; Mary Brock, secretary; and board members Sherry Adkins Kerri Forrest, Karen Hutson and Janis Overman. Advisory committee members are Darlen Collins and Becky Holly.

For information, contact: -Quilt entries, Kerri Forrest, 575-219-5650;

-Vendors, Janis Overman, 432-978-8133;

-Registration/Meals, Sherry Adkins, 806-632-2381;

-Volunteers, Dawn Hodge, 432-266-2179.

To download a festival program of events, visit www.ogallalaquilters.org.