The Burning Bush Syndrome


Exodus chapter 3 1-4, 7-10 Moses was looking after Jethro’s sheep. Jethro was the father of Moses’ wife. And he was the priest in the country called Midian. Moses led the sheep to the western side of the *desert. And he came to God’s mountain called Horeb. There the *LORD’s *angel appeared to him as a fire in a bush. Moses saw the fire, but the bush did not burn to ashes. So, Moses was surprised about it. ‘I will go over there and see this strange sight’, he thought. ‘Why does this bush not burn to ashes?’

Moses had gone to look at the bush. And the *LORD saw that. So God called to him from inside the bush. ‘Moses! Moses!’ God said to him. ‘Here I am’, Moses replied.

The *LORD continued to speak. ‘I have seen my people, who have terrible troubles in Egypt. I have heard them as they cry to me for help. Their cruel masters of the slaves are causing them to be miserable. I feel sorry for them because I care about them. So I have come down to rescue them from the *Egyptians. I will bring them away from Egypt. And I will bring them to a good country where there is plenty of space.

It is a rich country with plenty of milk and plenty of honey. The people called *Canaanites live there now. The people called the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites live there too. But I have heard the *Israelites as they cry for help from me. And I have seen that the *Egyptians are being very cruel to my people. So now, go and speak to *Pharaoh. The *Israelites are my people, and I am sending you to them. You will bring my people away from Egypt, which is *Pharaoh’s country.

Have you ever felt like the Lord is calling you to a higher place in himself? Has He given you a dream or a task that seems impossible to accomplish? Great! You are in a great place in His heart because He is about to show you what it means to have the grace of God in your life. He wants you to accept the challenge. He wants to show the world what true power and authority is and how that power and authority can make the world a better place.

The secular world admires rich and powerful people. What they see from these people seems to be good, but they do not know what these people had to do to get to the top of the molehill. On the outside, they look happy and content, but on the inside, they have paid a high price to be successful. They have done everything for their own satisfaction. They have few real friends and giving glory to God for their success is rarely on their mind.

The Lord wants to bless you, because of His grace and mercy we can live beautiful lives of peace, joy, and abundance. God will supply our every need, and He will bless us with great resources so that we can bless other people and support the Kingdom of God.