Dimmitt Recreation donates food boxes

  • Dimmitt Recreation donates food boxes
    Dimmitt Recreation donates food boxes

Dimmitt Recreation donates food boxes - The Dimmitt Rec collected food during the month of December. Nine large food boxes were donated to DISD students and delivered by Kendra Cantrell, CIS Site Coordinator. "This will really help out some of our needy families during the holiday season. Thank you to Dimmitt Rec for always supporting our community," said Cantrell. The boxes were donated by: Shelly McCracken, Miriam Botero, Miriam McCracken, Lue Griffith, Sha Edeling, Martha Richardson, Patrice Hill, Diana Cleavinger and Tina Maurer. Stanley Maurer, Kendra Cantrell-CIS Site Coordinator, Tina Maurer and Martha Richardson.

Shown are Stanley Maurer, Kendra Cantrell-CIS Site Coordinator, Tina Maurer and Martha Richardson.