DISD approves STAAR testing security


The Dimmitt ISD board of trustees met on Feb. 22 and approved several actions .

The Texas Education Agency sets guidelines each year on STAAR testing security. The board approved and endorsed the recommendations for the training for DISD teachers. All district and campus personnel who participate in state-mandated testing or handle secure test materials are required to be trained.

Anthony Montelongo pre sented E-Rate bids for the 2022-23 school year, which were approved by the board. E-Rate provides the technology for schools and libraries via internet, apps, IoT devices offering avenues for learning experiences, research and studying.

In other action, the board approved Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Kyle & Robinson P.C. to provide legal services to the Special Education department.

Superintendent Jill Millican encouraged board members to complete their cyber security training which was due Feb. 13. All local governments, including school districts, must annually identify for cybersecurity training those trustees and employees who have access to district computer sys tems or databases and who use a computer to perform at least 25 percent of required duties. Other district employees required to complete the cybersecurity training must complete the training as determined by the district. Training is DIR certified and may be selected by the board for employees and trustees and trustees are not excluded from the requirement.

Following the bid auction for several used vehicles in the DISD fleet, Millican said Bret Bethke has awarded several sealed bids.

Millican announced the Panhandle Association of School Boards will be meeting on April 7 in Amarillo at Region 16 and those interested in attending should contact Darla at the administration office.