Facing every weary day with the zeal of God


The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. Isaiah 9:7 My favorite spot in my home is where I have my time with the Lord. This spot happens to be the floor next to my bed in my bedroom. I love to sit with my back against the bed facing the window and read the Bible. That morning I sat down a little disgruntled.

“Lord, I feel so unmotivated at the moment,” I grumbled. “So much is going on. I feel like I’ve run out of steam.”

I opened my Bible randomly. It fell to Isaiah chapter 9 and I began to read: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given” In my heart I was saying, I’ve read this portion so many times. How does it apply to what I’m feeling today? Then my eyes fell on the last line of Isaiah’s prophecy, “The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” These words leapt out of the page at me.

Another word for zeal is the word, enthusiasm. That day I was feeling less than enthusiastic to say the least. I had several projects on the go and was waiting on the Lord for a word for my Sunday sermon. It’s not easy to find inspiration when one is feeling low. As I read those words God’s zeal consumed me. I literally felt strength return to my weary arms.

Are you feeling overloaded, underpaid and taken for granted today? Perhaps you’re not well and feel your energy fading away.

Our God is sovereign and omnipotent. His strength is endless and only his zeal can strengthen our weary bones. Christ knows exactly what you face today and how you are feeling, so come to Jesus when you’re weary and overloaded; he will give you rest. Cast all your cares on him, because he cares for how you feel. Allow his enthusiasm to consume you. Remember, the zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.