A Fresh Breeze


One of the things I love about spring and fall weather is they are characterized by having a breeze. Sometimes those breezes are more a strong gust or ongoing wind advisory, but most days they are gentle and refreshing. I love it.

Last year, we replaced our front storm and glass doors. One was in pretty good condition, but the other had seen better days. I went down to our lumber yard and found the ones I wanted and we had them installed pretty soon afterwards. One thing I really love is that the top glass can be pulled down so you have half a screen door if you want. It is amazing.

The last few days I have been enjoying the breeze by pulling the glass section down. I open some windows and immediately we have a fresh breeze blowing through our home. Some of you may not have this available to you, but it is something I try to do whenever possible.

I think a fresh breeze renews our senses. So often we can be surrounded by the same old thing to a point that in time we do not smell stagnation as it begins to settle in and take up residence. In fact we become numb to what has happened.

In the Bible it speaks of the Holy Spirit as a breath or a wind. Both references are a reminder that the Spirit refreshes as he blows through. I have found that many who are grieving and cannot move to a healthy place are stagnant because they have cut themselves off from that fresh breeze which is so readily available if they will open up. They keep everything shut tight because they are more concerned about what will come in than what they might be able to get rid of. It is almost as if they are afraid to go forward because they do not want to forget what or who was in their past.

Breezes refresh, but they do not erase. I have never felt a cool breeze that erased the smell of smoke or cow manure if it was in the air. I have to weigh the options and I choose the smell if it is ac companied with the breeze. The air just gives me something to appreciate because even with the windows shut, the smell of something not so pleasant always finds its way in.

If you are grieving and you just cannot move to a healthy place, let a breeze in. Sit down and ask the Holy Spirit to refresh you. To help you remember the good, blow out the bad, and enjoy the freshness of today. Let the air sweep away any cobwebs or stagnation that is so evident to yourself and others. The breeze and/or the Spirit are available if you will open the windows and let them in. I choose to breath in the good while blowing away the bad.