How to reach exercise goals, avoid injury


With the pursuit of fitness and wellness continuing to be a top priority for many, Welch Rehab, in Dimmitt, offers essential guidance to individuals striving for success in their exercise routines.

Understanding the importance of safe and effective practices, Welch Rehab aims to equip individuals with the tools necessary to prevent injuries and achieve their fitness goals effectively.

At the Welch Rehab, a service of Castro County Healthcare patients often receive treatment for sports-related injuries. According to Rehab Director, Mitchell Brockman, MPT many common injuries can be avoided with a little care and planning.

To help those who set new goals to be committed to fitness in 2024, or those looking to get started with a new program, Welch Rehab is offering tips for committing to exercise and avoiding injury.

“When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, your secret weapon is consistency,” Brockman said. “Put it on your calendar. When you make exercise a priority like work or other appointments, you are more likely to follow through.”

Brockman added that exercising doesn’t have to take all day. Even if you only have 20 or 30 minutes, adding exercise to your routine a few days a week can help you maintain and improve your strength and overall wellbeing.

“One of the things our patients really enjoy when they come in for their physical therapy appointments is the social aspect,” Brockman said. “Being able to interact with someone while you are exercising makes it a lot more enjoyable. It also helps hold you accountable.”

Studies show that people who exercise with a partner are more likely to keep up the habit and see better results overall. Brockman suggests asking a spouse or friend to exercise with you. Choosing an activity that you both like will help keep you motivated.

“We see a lot of patients with sports-related injuries,” Brockman said. “Many of these could have been avoided if patients hadn’t tried to overwork themselves.”

Brockman said that knowing your limits and starting slowly are important ways to avoid overexertion and injury. This is especially important for those who have not exercised in a long time.

Before beginning any exercise program, individuals are encouraged to meet with their primary care provider to ensure they are in good physical health and to find out their target heart rate.

“Sports equipment is so important for avoiding injury,” Brockman said. “Shoes that don’t fit properly or weren’t meant for the sport you are participating in, for example, can put a lot of strain on your joints and muscles and may lead to sprains and other injuries.”

Wearing helmets and other protective equipment is also an important way to avoid injury while exercising. Protective equipment should be age appropriate and fit comfortably.

When injured it is important to see a medical professional.