Jesus Stands by Us


One of my sayings of late is if we go along with the world’s way, we all lose, but when we serve and love God His ways we all win.

We all benefit from one another love of God and one another love for each other, we all benefit from one another gifting and we all benefit from one another testimonies. The way Jesus leads one person is different from another - perfect for that person.And when I look back at my life hard as it is, I feel I had a good life. Because I never left His side or He me.

I have been an outsider all my life and yet the love of God has kept me safe. I was despised as a child not because I was a bad child but because of my love for God. The world doesn’t like that and even Christians can be worldly and despise one another for the same reason. I remember as a saying to myself when small, I don’t obey my parents so much as I am obeying God. The fear of Lord was with me and He comforted me in my loneliness and got me through all my trials.

If you live for God, it doesn’t matter how your life is, you get to a point where you look back and know you had a good life with Jesus. The world is another story, it was hard, but Jesus is always there, the secret is never losing hope.

I heard a saying once, if you were told you were a horse long enough, you will be looking for the saddle. And when you stop and think about it, doesn’t the world repeat the same evil message repeatedly until the population believes it. The only way to get out of that trap is keep declaring biblical truths and verses and spend valuable time with the Lord always obeying His commandments whether it is convenient or not.

Stand by Him and He will stand by you. You will be satisfi ed with your life because you gain more than you lose, spiritually speaking.