The King has One More Move


Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15 I’m no good at chess. Sadly, I’m not a very observant individual. My wife can come home from a large meeting and list the names of each person in the group and where they sat. Not me. So, when it comes to playing a grueling game of chess, I usually lose my queen within the first 5-minutes of the game because I don’t observe the danger of her next move. Needless to say, I very soon find myself in checkmate with no moves left for my king.

Life’s a bit like a game of chess. We can face opposition to every move and, if we’re not very observant (like me), we can often find ourselves thrust into a corner with no moves left. Thankfully, as a follower of Christ, I submit my life’s moves to God. And he, by his omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence, is observant. Graciously, he observes my every move. More than that, my King observes every move of my opponent and is aware of his plans to drive me into a corner on the great chessboard of life. Thankfully, every time my opponent calls out, “Check!” my king has one more move.

Jesus Christ was thrust into the corner of his chessboard. He was hung on a cross and crucified by the ones he loved. But his great King, God his Father, had one more move. Jesus Christ rose from the dead, triumphing over the opponent of life, and made a spectacle of him through the cross.

Do you know the King of kings? Have you resigned your life to the only one who can get you out of a corner? His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of the Almighty God and one with him. The King loves you so much that when you find yourself facing the threat of checkmate, he has one more move to rescue you from the grip of your opponent. Call on him today.