Library Lines ...

  • Gwen Lewis, left, and Joyce Thomas are providing the Display of the Month for February at Rhoads Memorial Library. They are exhibiting items pertaining to Black History Month.
    Gwen Lewis, left, and Joyce Thomas are providing the Display of the Month for February at Rhoads Memorial Library. They are exhibiting items pertaining to Black History Month.

A sign on our front door announces that federal income tax forms and instruction booklets for 2022 have arrived here at Rhoads Memorial Library! I probably should not be so excited about such an occurrence but ordering them from the IRS was dicey and I was not sure if, or when, we might get them.

The saga began when the IRS emailed us to say they had not received our request for the forms and instruction booklets. They noted we could order now, and they would send an email verifying receipt of the order within 30 minutes.

I complied but did not get their email verifying receipt of our order. When that didn’t happen, I emailed them again, telling them this was a second request as I was not sure they received the first one. Instead of a verification email that they received either request, they sent an email showing how many forms and instruction booklets they would ship to us. (Of course, their numbers differed from our requested numbers.) So, I was unsure of what might transpire.

The forms are the 1040 and the 1040 SR with instruction bookletsforthesameandarefree to the public. Any schedule or other forms can be printed from, which can be done on your own or by us for 25 cents per page. Supplies are limited, so first come, first served.

February not only brings tax forms, but it is designated as Black History Month. Providing the Display of the Month are Gwen Lewis and Joyce Thomas, who are exhibiting items relevant to that theme.

We want to express our profound appreciation to everyone who bought books, movies, and audiobooks from our annual book sale, which was among the most successful of any we have conducted. Special thanks go to the volunteers who manned the event: Pat Bagley, Mary Ruth Baird, Zetha Collins, Karen Durham, Avis Smith, and Carolyn Watts. Your assistance and support make us stronger.

“Dennis Harp: All the Hoopla” by Marc David recounts the true story of a man who played and coached basketball in West Texas and beyond. Mr. Harp called us last week to see if we would be interested in receiving this book--free of charge--since it had so many references to area people and places recognizable to our readers.

He also noted that, “more importantly, the feedback on the book has been positive regarding helping folks with mental health issues, sexual abuse, and divorce.” This new read can be found in our adult non-fiction section.

Come check us out!