Library Lines ...


Here at Rhoads Memorial Library, we are delighted to report that no problems occurred following last Sunday’s electrical outage. The second blackout suffered this year did not wreak havoc with our lights or other electricity-dependent equipment, so hallelujah!

March has arrived and with it, the beginning of Dimmitt’s much-anticipated Ogallala Quilt Festival. The 2023 version will feature the theme of “Then and Now” and will begin on March 31. Brochures detailing the event can be picked up from our circulation desk.

Other items still available at our circulation desk are 2022 federal income tax forms, Young Scientist take-and-make kits, and some 2023 wall calendars. We thank Felice Acker, local agent with Texas A&M Extension Service, for bringing the calendars, which contain some mouthwatering recipes.

Since their inception, libraries have presented books for checkout for the purpose of reading for pleasure or for learning. Some of the written word evolved into audiobooks, also known as talking books, on compact disks. Later, movies and documentaries took hold via DVDs.

Librarians have had to wrestle with expanding their library’s offerings beyond reading material, but times change as do the wants and needs of our patrons. When video rental stores closed, libraries picked up the slack and began offering DVDs for checkout. While books remain our main offering, we do provide some movies for checkout, along with audiobooks on CD.

A variety of new DVDs ready for checkout include: -”Lyle, Lyle, the Crocodile” -”Lightyear” -”Amsterdam” -”Ticket to Paradise” -”The Woman King” As for newly released books, the following have arrived and are ready for checkout: -”Thief of Fate” (a Providence Falls novel) by Jude Deveraux and Tara Sheets -”Happily Ever Amish” (a novel) by Shelley Shepard Gray; -”NYPD Red 7: The Murder Sorority” (the NYPD Red series of thrillers) by Marshall Karp, whose coauthor earlier in the series was James Patterson.

Whether you wish to read, listen, or view a story, come check us out!