Observing the Details


My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. Psalm 130:6 Watching a nature documentary on television, I was fascinated by the skill of the Kalahari Bushmen as they tracked a rhinoceros through the Namibian scrub. Pointing to the large three-toed footprints in the sand these expert trackers revealed how they knew not only the direction the animal was travelling in but also its distance from that point.

The rhino had uprooted two very small seedlings with its foot as it strut through the bush. Knowing its walking pace and how long it had taken the leaves of that plant to wilt, given the heat of the day, the tracker could calculate how far away the animal was.

“The art of tracking,” said Ray Mears the presenter of the TV documentary, “is the ability to observe every minute detail.”

Jesus and his disciples had been trekking the whole day in the dry heat of Judaean hills when they entered Martha’s home for respite. Martha was an excellent hostess, so she immediately set about getting supper ready. As she dashed about setting the low table and preparing the stew, she noticed her sister, Mary who shared the house with her, sitting at Jesus’ feet listening intently to his every word.

“Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” said Martha with indignation. “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

If you’re anything like me then I’m sure, every time you read this story you feel an affi nity toward Martha. After all, wasn’t she giving her all to serve her Lord? And yes, it certainly is right and good to do all your hand finds to do with all your might, as unto the Lord.

However, Jesus was quick to point out to Martha that she was so busy getting things together for the work of the Lord that she was missing the Lord of the work. While Martha was running about frantically serving Jesus, she was missing the finer details of his teaching. Mary, on the other hand, sat quietly at his feet, observing every minute detail.