Old Fashioned Common Sense


What the world needs now is some good old fashioned godly common sense: consulting God over important decisions and guidance for His Will, praying for needs to be met, maintaining integrity at all costs, giving to the poor, helping our neighbors in need, upholding honest business dealings and teaching our kids responsibility and the fear of the Lord.

We are facing hypocrisy in government on an unprecedented scale, the unravelling of society due to anti-God policies like 'defund the police,' (that one hundred percent of democrats voted for), our children being taught through anti- God curriculums in both public and even private schools and being coerced into believing they need to question the gender they were born with, defy their parents and even hate one another.

Furthermore, the medical community and Big Tech are strong-arming the laws of our land and even working with the government to disrupt our liberties as American citizens.

(A.I. is censoring our texts now, as Biden has recently announced, not that he mentioned A.I!)

It has become quite clear that it's all about the narrative; they repeatedly declare their ill-intended demands until the masses believe their distorted truths.

We are being pressured into the relinquishment of control over our own bodies - our kids included, something that goes directly against our Constitutional rights and it's all so that we will trust in the government, rather than in GOD.

It may be out of date, but God's old-fashioned Wisdom has never been more critically important to our overall wellbeing, as citizens, as a nation and the world at large.

Behind all the lies, confusing double-talk, hypocrisy and the lawlessness that is worsening by the day, (11 homicides to 1 covid case are the statistics) is a gradual building of wicked control, as the world is being prepped to accept the tyranny of the Antichrist.

Moreover, they are counting on American gullibility at an unprecedented level, but the wise are not fooled. How can they expect us to believe they care when they are allowing immigrants, not only to enter our country illegally, but even providing free transportation to any state they choose without so much as checking temperatures? They are allowing this virus to spread unchecked and then demand that we take an experimental, only approved for emergency use 'vaccine' and we are expected to be dumb enough to fall for this propaganda?

To say there is confusion is an understatement; it's off the charts. The only way to even begin to comprehend what's really going on is to trust in our Lord Jesus Christ for everything.

Before the technology explosion, with all the doors it opened for wickedness to prevail; people relied on God's Almighty Power and Foreknowledge for protection, provision and guidance. People abiding in good old-fashioned Godly wisdom and common sense, now that's something we desperately need more of, whether it's declared by people in power or not.