Unity in Community


I recently read a truly spooky story in which a man became violently ill after eating a ghost pepper burger as part of a contest. If you’ve never heard of the ghost pepper, it is one of the hottest peppers in the world and originated in India. Topping out at over 1 million Scoville heat units (heat measurement scale of chili peppers) the ghost pepper is 200 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper. After eating a hamburger topped with a ghost pepper puree, the 47-year-old California man began vomiting so violently he tore his esophagus.

According to the story related on livescience.com, the man was rushed to a San Francisco Emergency Room where it was discovered he had a oneinch tear in his esophagus and a collapsed lung. Although not the man’s primary caregiver, Dr. Ann Arens was involved with the case due to her work in the area of “spontaneous esophageal rupture.” In response Dr. Arens’ pointed out that the man’s severe medical condition was caused by his reaction to the ghost pepper rather than the ghost pepper itself.

All to often the severe conditions in our daily experiences stem from our reaction to events rather than from the events themselves. Experiences like someone pulling out in front of you when you’re running late driving the kids to school in the morning, a “friend” gets the promotion at work you had been wanting for months, or your rival makes another snide comment in passing. Each of these is an opportunity for severe reaction or amazing grace.

The Apostle Paul gives us some advice on this matter in his letter to the Philippians: “I know what it is like to be in need, and I know what it is like to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” You might think twice about eating a ghost pepper burger but reacting to others in grace will always lead to God’s glory and abundant life.

*Jonathan Sullivan is the Pastor at First Baptist Church, 1201 Western Circle Dr., in Dimmitt, Texas. Small groups meet on Sunday morning at 9:30 and Worship is at 10:30. Also, FBC is hosting a Kids Kandy Hunt this Saturday night beginning at 6pm. Just stop by the church and pickup a map to win big prizes. Come celebrate with us.