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I am pretty sure that my cats have an internal builtin boom box and play music throughout their day.

The heathen sisters, Dixie and Sheba, hit the play button early in the morning. Dixie has the “Jaws” theme playing about 5:30 a.m. as she slips under the covers and slowly makes her way down to find toes. Sheba kicks off her day with “Eye of the Tiger”. She isn’t going under the covers but prefers to initiate the morning exercise program and attacks from on top of the covers, assaulting anything moving underneath.

Meanwhile, the third in the pet trio, a 9-year-old chihuahua, is trying to mind her own business under her own private blanket, responding with low growls at the commotion because she hasn’t had her morning dog coffee.

Once up and fed, the heathen sisters head for the bathroom and crank up “This Is How We Do It” for the shower and makeup session, playing in any running water and trying to snatch the hair dryer cord, climb in drawers or into closets to choose what attire is going to be pulled off hangers and onto the floor.

As I leave for work, the chi heads for her blanket in the living room to hide her chew bone. The sisters swish their tails goodbye and put “Work From Home” in their boom boxes and begin their day.

I know they stay busy, judging from how things get moved around. They apparently like reading, since books are pulled out of place. The cat toy container also gets relocated about two feet and the remote control can be anywhere (so they must watch TV as well). I know they redo the bed, because all the pillows can be removed. Additionally, they must attempt to top off the self-feeder because dry cat food is scattered everywhere.I have determined they have hidden thumbs on their paws that only appear when I am gone offering support to their jobs. They do all this to the song “Takin’ Care of Business.”

As all cats will do, the heathen sisters take a long nap in the afternoon. The boombox switches to “Don’t Wake Me Up” for a period of quiet relaxation.

Upon my arrival home, the girls are looking quite proud of themselves and their accomplishments their internal music is at full tilt playing “We Are The Champions” as they barrel through the house in excitement. The dog is eyeing them with a certain amount of contempt, quietly suggesting “Little Lies” would be more appropriate. I am pretty sure she is keeping a log of all the cat infractions.

Bedtime finally rolls around, the song switches to “I’ve Had The Time of My Life” and finally to a lower key, “I Did It My Way.”

I have to keep an eye on them – the dog implied the heathen sisters are plotting to put together a punk cat band next week.