Editor’s Message


So, the primary election in Texas is done and most people aren’t surprised at the results, as voters keep electing the same politicians over and over. But at least people go through the motions.

On the lighter side of the political scales, maybe it is time for a few jokes that people didn’t actually vote for.

The opposite of ‘pro’ is ‘con’, so the opposite of progress is Congress.

Man: Two years ago, my brother ran for Congress.

Friend: What does he do now?

Man: Nothing – he got elected.

Why do thieves never target politicians’ homes? Professional courtesy.

I was arrested for impersonating a politician … but all I was doing was sitting in my office doing nothing!

What’s the most unfair thing about politics? We get 50 choices for Miss America, but only two for the president of the United States.

You know how they say nobody can fix the economy, nobody can be trusted with nuclear codes, nobody’s perfect? That’s why I’m voting for Nobody.

The word politics comes from poly, meaning many, and ticks meaning bloodsucking parasites.

Don’t steal, don’t lie and don’t cheat. Why? The government hates competition.

Fines are a tax you pay for doing something wrong. Taxes are a fine you pay for doing something right.

We don’t approve of political jokes—we’ve seen too many get elected.