Editor’s Message


Rewriting or eliminating United States history is putting our democracy in crisis.

The famous George Santayana quote: “Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.”

None of us have forgotten. Darned if we're not repeating it anyway...

Many citizens and non-citizens in this country seem hell bent on tearing it down. It isn’t a revolution of Constitution and what made America the envy of the world, but rather like the Russian revolution that enslaved hundreds of millions of people for nearly seven and half decades between 1917-1990.

As Winston Churchill put it: “A Nation That Forgets Its Past Has No Future.”

Six former secretaries of education spelled it out, “Following years of polarization and the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the world’s oldest constitutional democracy is in grave danger. We stand at a crossroads, called to protect this democracy and to work toward unity.”

The progressive movement is sugar-coating the idea of socialism.

Samuel Arnold, an associate professor of political theory at Texas Christian University claims “socialism would harness our collective wealth to meet everyone’s basic needs, or so its advocates maintain. No longer would some people be fantastically rich while others are reduced to begging in the street. Key needs like food, shelter, health care, education (including college), and retirement support would be “decommodified” — provided to all, regardless of ability to pay.”

This is what he is pumping out to college students.

People appear to totally ignore where it doesn’t work as in Red China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela etc. – socialist paradises whose citizens, for some reason, are routinely seeking to escape.

And then there are those who claim the success of socialist Scandinavian countries that Bernie Sanders likes to bring up is a myth that has been debunked; it doesn’t exist.

Jeffrey Dorfman, professor of economics at the University of Georgia, explained it in a Forbes article: “To the extent that the left wants to point to an example of successful socialism, not just generous welfare states, the Nordic countries are actually a poor case to cite. Regardless of the perception, in reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs.”

Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said that while he's flattered to see Denmark discussed in a widely watched US presidential debate, he doesn't think the socialist shoe fits.

"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism," he said. "Therefore, I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."

But socialism is gaining traction among the younger snowflake generations. Maybe it’s because they don’t know better, because they didn’t pay attention in history class. It is becoming a country of historical amnesiacs.”

The National Assessment of Educational Progress issues its so-called Nation’s Report Card every four years - American school children are failing history and have an “alarming” lack of knowledge when it comes to our nation’s history. Only about 15% of them have a reasonable knowledge of U.S. history.

All Americans should take a moment to think about the concerning implications for the future of our country.

Former SOE Dr. Rod Paige, had this to say: “History is an important and integral part of the foundation upon which our education system is built. It provides a logical context for our lives as Americans. It offers an understanding of how to overcome adversity and how to learn from our mistakes. It teaches us about ourselves—who we are, how the U.S. came to be a model for democracy in the world and why our meltingpot population has played and continues to play such an important role in the country’s development and success. If we don’t teach our children these things, they will be doomed to a lifetime of doubt and struggle.”

As the AAMA stated, “The Bolsheviks had a willing population of gullible peasants ready to take up the communist cause when they overthrew the Czar back in 1917. Is it too much of a reach to believe that those who would like to see our American democratic republic take a left turn are counting on the history deficit of our unwitting younger generations to promote a socialist agenda?”