Editor’s Message


Well, it is that time of year again when seniors are being thrust into adulthood and asking the age-old question, “Who are we?”

You have spent the last 13 years of your lives trying to prepare for that, but it isn't something you can Google. Well, you can Google it, but make sure that you turn on the safe search first. There is no telling what the results might be.

But Google won't tell you where what your passion and skills are. It won't tell you who you are. The truth is 90 percent of you don’t know what you want to be “when you grow up.” And your parents probably aren’t prepared for the fourth major you change to when paying your tuition.

High school was fun, but you have turned a page in your life. It is time to figure out the path forward into the future.

In any case, it is time now to thank teachers for dedication, and for helping you realize being first in line isn’t a life or death issue. And for being understanding that dogs can eat anything from homework to gym shorts.

Hopefully, you have learned from your mistakes and will utilize all you gained in education. Yes, you did make mistakes. You are human just like the rest of us!

As you bust into this new adventure in your lives, you know, being expected to become a grownup, it might be called the end of freeloading. Student loans can be thousands, so buckle up for the ride and learn to be frugal. Yes, that probably means learning to live on Ramen noodles. And that college professors or employers don’t accept notes from your mom as an excuse to be late or not show up at all.

In any case, as you venture out into the adult world, keep your sense of humor handy and learn a lot of patience. You will need it because life will be life, with all the good and bad that comes with it.