Editor’s Message


If you must be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced and bullied, guilt tripped, socially shamed, threatened, punished and criminalized – if all this is considered necessary to gain your compliance, then you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is NOT in your best interest.

I am about tired of the people out there trying to demand others get a vaccine they don’t trust and has literally proven to be ineffective given the number of breakthrough cases and deaths connected to it.

But more than that, Americans have a fiercely independent streak. If someone is in need, they are likely to stand in line to help. Urge them to do something by explaining why it’s good for them, and they might do it. But require them to do something and they almost certainly will rebel.

President Biden’s announcement that he is ordering the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to issue an emergency temporary standard requiring all companies with more than 100 employees to require vaccinations, will likely backfire.

So… 99 is fine. But hey, pass that 100-employee threshold and you will be ‘forced’ to do something you don’t want to do and may be against.

It is rather like the mandates and social distancing rules at airports. You must wear a mask and stay away from people… until you get on the airplane, where you are packed in like sardines.

Forcing people to be vaccinated is not the answer. In practical terms, it will invite several legal challenges and several states are preparing to fight any unconstitutional limitation of individual liberties and privacy.

And in emotional terms, it likely will cause people to dig in their heels further.

Attempting to impose a mandate will further politicize a public health issue. Getting a vaccine should not be a question of political partisanship.

The bottom line is that many don’t trust the vaccine. Some say trust the scientists, but the ones presenting data that conflicts with the “government scientists” are being silenced.

Science is about questioning and discovery – it isn’t about political agendas. And that is where we are at right now.

I want ALL the data and studies. And it just isn’t there when you have a “warp speed” vaccine that is enriching the pharma companies to the tune of billions.

The feds can use the “in the public interest” excuse all they want – just like every tyrannical government on earth has done in the past. Do I trust the government? NOT. ONE. BIT.