Editor’s Message


"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

— Ronald Reagan

It just gets better every single day. Everything the government touches goes bad.

Higher postage with projected delays in delivery; cargo ships lined up to unload and shortages in stores; forcing people to quit their jobs if they aren’t vaccinated with a highspeed vaccine that has killed many people; inflation soaring; and people generally not trusting a lot of poor decisions by the federal government.

Companies are struggling to bring products into the country and face soaring freight costs when they do get something into the country.

The mismatch between surging import volumes and an overwhelmed transport network is dogging the economic recovery. Many retail outlets are reporting shortages and dropping economic growth. Retailers are warning inventories are near a 30-year low.

But they say the current supply snafus will only ease when consumers resume prepandemic patterns, spending less money on tangible goods and more on services, such as restaurant meals, sporting events and travel – but the Biden administration is imposing so many restrictions on citizens, that is unlikely to happen in the near future.

In many ways, America is fast becoming a developing country, simply because it has not moved forward in any significant area (that matters to the people) for over a decade now. If you live in America and have not been entirely brainwashed by the theology of the American Dream, you will notice something: that nothing has changed in the USA for the past 15 years. Absolutely nothing has happened in a positive direction here in the United States.

Our infrastructure is slowly crumbling; small businesses are being taxed and regulated to death; public education is becoming an expensive joke that teaches propaganda rather than actually educating many students in some regions; law enforcement is attacked while criminals have all the rights; and the list goes on.

At home, people struggle to keep their homes due to high property taxes, which increase yearly (yes, like it or not, higher appraisals mean more taxes. You can lower the tax rate all you want, but if the appraised value goes up – you still get soaked more money).

The US is becoming a third world country without malaria – but we do have Covid policies and restrictions driving the destruction of the economy. Bad policies and restriction used to control and oppress the population and economy. It is working.

What troubles me the most is the inability of the American people to demand a concrete change. Unless the two main parties — the GOP and the Democrats — work together, there is not much the American people could do to change the status quo. They will likely have to endure the same failures for a foreseeable future.