Editor’s Message


The AHNENPASS (Passport) was introduce in Germany in 1933 and considered to be the precursor to the holocaust.

It was the first legal attempt by a government to define who was Aryan and who was Jewish. Only Aryans could work in public service industries – lawyers, teachers, doctors and other professionals. You even had to have a Ahnenpass to attend school or get married. It had to be carried at all times and shown when it was required to prove Aryan descent.

People lost their jobs, could not attend school and could not live freely without the passport.

It was the first step and people accepted it, and in less than five years, it became “DOB in your neighbor”, yellow star and people rounded up and taken to camps.

Recently the Libertarian Party of Kentucky posted, “Are the vaccine passports going to be yellow, shaped like a star, and sewn on our clothes?"

Perhaps in bad taste but look what is going on around the world. The question is valid. Lines are being drawn.

The prime minister of New Zealand said in an interview that there are two distinct groups being formed in the country – those who will hold vaccine passports and those who do not.

Translation: No passport – you can and will be discriminated against for not complying. You can lose your job, healthcare, children and basically – everything in your life that you have worked for.

It is simple and flat-out coercion to force people to comply to get something injected into their body without their willing consent.

The battle lines are being drawn, with many calling out the dangers that vaccine passports could bring. Those opposed voice fear akin to government overreach.

Former Republican Texas Congressman Ron Paul wrote, "'Vaccine passports' must be stopped. Accepting them means accepting the false idea that government owns your life, body and freedom"

"The Covid pandemic has scarred all of us and emotions are boiling over like never before," explained Josh Crandall, principal analyst at Netpop Research. "The vaccine passport is simply the latest issue to roil across social media.

What is clear from this issue is that in addition to being impossible to find that middle ground, each side has continued to shout in the void. However, the hostility has increased accordingly.

Meanwhile, the media and large portion of the government, the FDA and CDC are censoring anything that disagrees with their brand of “science.”

Ask yourself, how many drugs has the FDA had to pull off the market – after getting their blessing? It is a valid concern.

People should have a choice – and without being attacked for their decision. Or loss of jobs and rights.

Frontline doctors and others have presented enough “scientific” evidence to show we should be questioning the “government’s settled science.”

Science questions – always. Censoring it does not make it less necessary.