Editor’s Message


I am about fed up with the mandates – all of them.

Now Fauci wants people to set up “household” mandates before letting family come over for the holidays. You know – check their papers before getting into the house to enjoy a family Christmas of joy and sharing the holidays.

No papers? He doesn’t want you allowed in. He wants an authoritarian Christmas where people are excluded if they don’t comply to the government’s excessive demands.

Fauci says American families should consider creating household vaccine mandates before gathering for the holidays this season.

In fact, this man hates anything except people who don’t bow down his dictates. He said the “independent spirit” of Americans has gotten in the way [of his agenda] and it is time to just follow his rules.

Fauci wants American to follow the “science.” It is hard to follow a science that says there are 78 genders… if you know what I mean. It is hard to follow science and the FDA when they want to hide data for 75 years (yes, they added another 25 years to that already ridiculous 50). It is hard to follow science when people are dying from HIS science.

The long list of vaccine injuries and deaths from various causes isn’t encouraging and they are scrambling to excuse those or hide them. Meanwhile, the frontline doctors and scientists are trying to warn people about the mRNA vaccines.

I think the vaccine is a personal choice. What you do is your business.

I can only say this – if the vaccine doesn’t “prevent” then it is worthless. If the vaccine is making Covid milder when contracting or masking the symptoms – that could easily mean the vaccinated are becoming the super spreaders – asymptomatic super spreaders. Think about it.

As the creator of mRNA (Dr. Robert Malone) stated, it needs at least five years of testing before being used on people – but that’s too late now. Welcome to the giant test tube of America.

Go visit our website at thecastrocountynews.com and do the poll on Christmas family mandates and let us know what you think.