Editor’s Message


It is that time. Kids will be rolling out of bed after sleeping late all summer; trying to pick out the right shirt and stumbling in the early morning trying to remember when the vacation ended.

For teachers, it is just as challenging getting reacclimated to a new schedule… and probably some new students. So, time to come armed with some humor to get things started off right. Jokes – even bad ones – can be an ice breaker.

So here are a few to warm up the first day of school.

What happened when the teacher tied everyone's laces together? They went on a class trip.

Teacher: Why did you eat your homework? Student: Because I don't have a dog.

Why did the music teacher need a ladder? To reach the high notes.

Name a bus you can never enter? A syllabus.

What did one math book say to the other math book? Don't bother me I've got my own problems!

Why did the teacher write on the windows? Because he wanted it to be very clear.

Where are the Great Plains located? At the great airports!

What is a frog's favorite drink? 'Croak - a - cola.'

What do you find in an empty nose? Fingerprints.

Why are bananas good at gymnastics? They make great banana splits.

What did the square say to the old circle? Been around long?

What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot? A walkie-talkie.

Which runs faster, hot or cold? Hot. Everyone can catch a cold.

What's the difference between a teacher and a train? A teacher says, 'Spit out that gum!' and a train says, 'Chew! Chew!'

Why do magicians do so well in school? They're good at trick questions.

That is enough torture! Have a great first day at school.