His hand on yours


Jesus wept. John 11:35

Queen Victoria heard that the wife of a laborer had lost her baby. Having suffered deep sorrow herself, she wanted to express her sympathy. She called on the bereaved mother and spent time with her. Later, neighbors asked what the queen said. "Nothing," replied the grieving mother. "She simply put her hands on mine, and we silently wept together."

Recently the son of good friends of mine passed away. He was only in his early 40s and died alone one night in his sleep. It was a great shock for me. I know him well. It’s always such a tragedy when a child dies before his parents. His mom and dad were greatly instrumental in my life during a trying crisis many years ago. When their son died, I wanted to call them and express how sorry I was. I wanted to tell them how much they meant to me and how sad I was at the passing of their youngest. I had so many words to say, but the Holy Spirit prevented me from uttering one word. He led me to send them one simple message saying I was praying for them.

Sometimes words are just inadequate. Words often compound a problem like bereavement. Jesus faced the death of a friend. Lazarus had been ill for some time. His sisters called on Jesus and asked him to come heal their brother, but he delayed in going. Jesus knew that he would raise Lazarus from the dead to the glory of God. However, Lazarus’ family did not have this insight. When Lazarus died, Jesus did not offer copious words of comfort or meaningless gestures of solace. The account in the gospel of John says that Jesus knew he would raise Lazarus from the dead, yet we see that he was deeply grieved at the family’s loss. Lazarus’ relatives did not understand that Jesus would bring him back to life, yet Jesus did not offer endless words of comfort he merely wept with those who wept.

If you are suffering bereavement today your Lord knows all about it. He loves you deeply and his Word is comforting. But more than anything, know that he is alongside you at this minute with his hand on yours, silently weeping with you.