Knocking on doors

  • Knocking on doors
    Knocking on doors

It was a hot summer day years ago. My high school friend had just started a marketing job making lots more than minimum wage.

He connected me with his boss, who reluctantly hired me.

The job was selling home products door-to-door. My trainer told me that “If you just ring doorbells, you will sell something to every seventh house.” But he didn’t tell me that some houses don’t have bells.

So, I found myself standing at one front entrance with no bell, no knocker, and just a screen door. So, I knocked on the screen, which came off its hinges and fell onto my head.

I tried to reattach that screen, but it kept collapsing.

Suddenly some woman across the street screamed, “Kid, I saw you try to break in. I’m calling the police!”

I stood frozen, sample case in hand and clip-on tie dangling from my collar. “Lady,” I said, “I’m just trying to sell stuff.”

I propped up the screen door in its frame, and walked across the street to meet the lady. She lectured me about defacing property, and told me to straighten my tie.

I also remember she looked at my product samples, and I gave her my best sales presentation.

I don’t think she bought anything. Maybe she didn’t want to give money to burglary suspects.

But I learned a good lesson. If you knock, the door may be opened to you.

But don’t ever knock too hard.