FUB campaign to help Perryton survivors


First United Bank is reintroducing the “Make Change” initiative in each of its 17 Banking Centers following the devastating tornado that hit Perryton, Texas, on June 15.

The “Make Change” campaign encourages bank customers, employees or anyone in the community to donate loose change from a cashed check or from the bottoms of pockets and purses towards helping the families and community of Perryton.

Change collection containers will be available in the lobby of each First United Banking Center. All funds collected through this initiative will be donated to the “West Texas Cares for Perryton” fund, which will go toward those directly impacted. Due to the extensive damage this storm has caused, the people and businesses affected will continue to need assistance for some time.

The “Make Change” program was created as a way for people in the 13 communities that the Bank serves to continue to give back to their Texas neighbors. Ramar Communications has teamed up with First United Bank to collect donations. In addition to Ramar Communications’ gifts, the Bank has kicked off the fundraising endeavor by providing $5,000 to West Texas Cares.

“Our hearts truly go out to those working to rebuild after such devastating loss,” said First United Bank CEO, Mark Bain. “Through this program, we can put our Founding Principles of Generosity, Loyalty, integrity and community into action and lend a helping hand to those who lost lives, homes, or businesses. Spare change can really add up to make an impact.”

If wishing to donate, visit any First United Banking Center, call (855) 382-7827, or mail a donation to WTX Cares, C/O First United Bank, PO Box 16500, Lubbock, TX 79490.

For more information, please contact Lexie Bain at LBain@firstunited.net or connect with First United Bank on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.