Texas ranked high for fishing


To mark National Hunting and Fishing Day on Sept. 24, Lawn Love ranked 2022’s Best and Worst States for Fishing.

They say that everything is bigger in Texas and that includes fishing. Texas ranked fifth overall behind Florida, Alaska, Montana and Minnesota, with a community rank of #2, access ranks of 11, affordability rank of 36 and supplies rank of 34.

The second-largest state by land area, Texas has bountiful angling access (#11) but floated to the top rankings in some other areas.

Texas ranked #2 for Community largely because of its passion for local fishing and the most fishing contests (#1) in the U.S. Across the state, Texas keeps community fishing lakes stocked with fish, so anglers don’t have to travel far for a decent catch.

Not only did Texas rank #1 for fishing contests, derbies and tournaments, it also ranked #4 for fishing charters and guides.