Power of Persistence


Persistence is really faith in action.

Years ago, I wrote an article called, "The Power of Persistence." Here is an excerpt from it:

Thomas Edison, whom, in his words, stated to a critic who said he'd failed 10,000 times (while trying to invent the light bulb), "No, I've just found 10,000 ways not to do something."

Then he persisted and did truly invent the light bulb!

Noah persevered 120 years in building the Ark--while being greatly ridiculed and probably, persecuted otherwise.

If Christ Jesus our LORD had not persisted with the glorious Plan of God; if He hadn't gone to the cross, been crucified, buried, and raised to life again three days later, where would we be? Dead and in hell, of course!

Consider this: Every organization in existence; every tool and machine; every product in a store and your house; everything ever invented, reproduced, packaged, marketed, purchased, and consumed--all involved the persistence of several people along the way to come into being and go through all of those phases!

A tiny drop of water will, when persistently dripping on the same area of a mountain day by day, effectively erode that part of the mountain.

As the author Christopher Morley said, "Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting."

King Jesus will soon return to earth for us who persist in following Him. Luke 18:8 (AMPC) says, "I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [persistence in] faith on the earth?"

Let us be found persistent--faithful!